Teeth braces treatment are a dental device used to correct teeth that are misaligned or crooked. They're made from brackets, wires, and bands that move your teeth into correct positions over time. Teeth braces are often used for various reasons, like overbiting, underbiting, or crossbite. Braces put gentle pressure on your teeth to cause them to maneuver over time. This will improve the looks of your teeth and improve your oral health. Braces can also correct bite problems, which will help prevent future dental problems like jaw pain and difficulty chewing. Generally, braces are a well-liked and effective way to improve your smile and oral health.

How long does the braces treatment typically last?

Braces can last anywhere from one to 3 years, depending on your needs. This time allows you to align your teeth and proper bite issues gradually. You will need to follow your orthodontist's instructions and attend check-ups regularly to make sure you are making progress. You can even opt for Dental implants in ranchi.

Are braces just for children, or can adults get them too?

It's not just kids who enjoy braces. More and more adults wear braces to enhance their oral health and appearance. The procedure and results are equivalent for teenagers and adults, but adults will have additional procedures like extractions, jaw surgery, etc. get the needed advice and support from Dental clinic in ranchi.

Can I still eat my favorite foods while wearing braces?

You can still eat your favorite foods while wearing Teeth braces treatment. However, it is vital to avoid foods that will cause damage to your braces, like hard candies and popcorn, as well as softer alternatives, like chewing gum, like fruits and vegetables.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is additionally important. Braces and teeth must be kept clean and healthy, so brushing them after every meal is vital.

How often must I go to the orthodontist during my braces treatment?

Your orthodontist will visit you every 4-8 weeks during braces treatment. This enables them to form adjustments and track your progress. Regular visits confirm your treatment goes as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Are there alternatives to traditional metal braces?

There are alternatives to metal braces. Ceramic braces are less visible, while clear aligners, like Invisalign, offer more discreet straightening options. However, speaking to your doctor about the simplest treatment for your needs is vital. Dental implants in ranchi is the best option available for you as an alternative for metal braces. 

What happens after the braces treatment is completed?

Once your braces treatment is finished, you'll have to wear your retainer to align your teeth. You'll need specific instructions on when and for how long you ought to wear your retainer. Consider visiting a Dental clinic in ranchi in case of emergency. 


Taking care of good oral hygiene during your Teeth braces treatment is important. Brushing your teeth after each meal is vital, and flossing daily will help remove food particles that will get trapped in your braces. Use a soft-brushed toothbrush with fluoride toothpaste. you'll also have to use a special tool like an interdental brush or a floss threader to wash between your brackets and wires.